Friday, July 30, 2010

Around what age do older couples stop having sex?

There is not an exact age.Depend if the couples are very healthy,or not.

Good question.Couples between 40 to 65 have not problem about that.

Others yes.Around what age do older couples stop having sex?
What age is older couples?

I know my parents and inlaws still have sex and they are in the 50s and both sets of parents are no where near done. I know my grandfather was still having sex when he was in his 70s.Around what age do older couples stop having sex?
lol I'm 55 %26amp; the hubby is 58.

I guarentee our motors are still up and running, Kiddo.....and since there are no more little ones and all the kiddies are out of the home.........waaaaaahooooooo!
Around the 60's, then we men have sex with young girls up until our late 70's...Cialis
I am 59 still want it every day.

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