Saturday, August 21, 2010

Do you know of any married couples that have separate beds?

Yes, and it has nothing at all to do with the relationship. They go to bed at different times and one prefers a soft bed and the other likes a hard bed and cold room. Also the husband jerks and kicks in his sleep, so he understands that his wife cannot get decent rest in his bed. They are still happily married.Do you know of any married couples that have separate beds?
I saw couples on tv that slept in seperate beds, I think its rather scary.

I mean its a personal choice but I'll be sleeping in bed with my boyfriend and we're pretty young...Do you know of any married couples that have separate beds?
Yes, before my separation from my husband we slept in separate beds for some time.
My grandparents used to. Does that count? They actually had separate rooms!
My parents they love each other but for some reason have separate beds.
Yeah. My step dad and mom used to, because my step dad snored. They had separate rooms.
Yes I know a christian family that lives down my street that sleeps in separate beds.

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